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CosmOz Dental Care

Payment Options

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Cosmoz dental care payment options

We know that every patient is different, which is why we have a range of payment plan options to cater to each individual’s needs.

Our practice accepts Mastercard/VISA, American Express and cash.

At Cosmoz Dental Care, our clinicians are registered with all Australian heath funds, so if you claim from one and bring your card to the appointment, we can process your claim on the spot.

payement option-supercare

The ATO’s Compassionate Release of Superannuation program allows superannuation to be spent on necessary dental treatment. In order to use Superannuation to cover dental care and all other out-of-pocket costs, such as lodging, travel, and private hospital fees, SuperCare simplifies the application process. We select SuperCare as our source for Compassionate Release of Superannuation support since it works on a no fee, no approval foundation.

SuperCare helps provide the money needed for a number of treatments, such as:

  • Dentures and Implants
  • General Dentistry
  • Root canals
  • Crowns
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Braces and Orthodontics